COVID-19 News/Updates:

Download our News App:

To help our PLSD community get the latest news and updates on COVID-19 we released an app that will give you quick access to see all posts made by our district. Click the link below for instructions on downloading the Edlio School News app. When asked to add school type Purchase Line SD

PLSD Health and Safety Plan 22-23SY:
COVID-19 District Updates 21-22SY:
PLSD Health and Safety Plan 21-22SY:
ARP ESSER Funding 
COVID-19 District Updates 20-21SY:
COVID-19 District Updates 19-20SY:
PLSD Health & Safety Plan 20-21
Continuity of Education Phase III Information & Documents
PL Guidance Updates:
PL Nurse/Health News & Updates:
COVID-19 Trusted Resources: