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Purchase Line School District

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District Plan for Inclement Weather 2023-24

Dear Purchase Line School District Families:

The purpose of this letter is to communicate the district's plan for inclement weather. Purchase Line School District will use both flexible instruction days and traditional snow days/school cancellations during the 2023-24 school year.

Since Purchase Line School District has the ability to conduct remote learning, we can now implement a flexible instruction day in lieu of canceling school for weather related emergencies. On a flexible instruction day, students will remain at home and engage in remote instruction. Flexible instruction days will count as a regular day of school and students are expected to complete the educational requirements including attendance and completion of assignments.

Traditional snow days/school cancellations can also be used and those days will be made up later in the school year. In addition, two-hour delays and early dismissals will be used by the district depending on circumstances.
Information on flexible instruction days, snow days/school cancellations, two-hour delays, and early dismissals will be communicated through ALMA, our primary means of notification. Information will also be relayed through ARIN Intermediate Unit's SchoolCast and local television and radio stations.

Patricia Berezansky Superintendent