Special Education » Special Education / Useful Links

Special Education / Useful Links

General Information:

Council for Exceptional Children
This site offers valuable information and current research relating to numerous exceptionalities.

Tony Attwood
Information provided for parents, professionals and people with Asperger's Syndrome.

Parent Resources:

Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania
Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania has developed a guide, Consent, Capacity, and Substitute Decision Making, to help people with disabilities, their family members, service providers and others to be better informed about the important issues related to decision making and thus assure that this right is protected for all.
ADDitude is a website that offers a variety of information about Attention Deficit /Hyperactive Disorder.

Arin provides innovative educational programs, training and support services through partnerships and visionary leadership in Armstrong and Indiana Counties.

The ARC Indiana County
The Arc of Indiana County provides information and Advocacy Support with resources to people with intellectual, developmental delays or other disabilities, and their families.
Student Resources:

This site provides useful information for those pursuing a transition from a school to a work environment.

LD Teens
This site offers support for teenagers living with disabilities, including study tips and parent information.